
Personal photo

I am a Web Development student, looking to find work as a game developer or web developer. I am currently located in Los Angeles, but have spent a majority of my life in Sacramento. I graduated from University of California, Los Angeles in 2015 with a BS in Mathematics. I'm currently supplementing this education with a UCLA Extension course. So far I've studied C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and Unity. On my portfolio page, you can see different assignments I've completed for this course. You may also visit my GitHub to view the readme for each of these projects.

my cat

I was born July 26, 1993 in Sacramento, California. In my free time, I try to visit the gym as often as possible. I am very passionate about rock climbing and have been going to the rock climbing gym at least 4 days a week for the past 7 months. Other hobbies and interests of mine include video games, anime, fashion, cooking, baking, sleeping, and animals. I have a single cat, pictured right. Her name is Cleo and I've had her all of her life, about 18 years. I have been vegan for over 5 years and try to be involved with animal rights activism when I can.

I can be found at the following locations:

GitHub : https://github.com/acuteangel

LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelaquas/